Turn up as you are.
Everyone is welcome.

Sunday Service


Sun 10am


9 Lupton Rd, Manurewa

MBC is relaxed in its approach, the people are real and many of them have been part of the community for a long time. You might get greeted by a few friendly people & some people might even have a conversation with you. Within our diverse community we hope you’ll find people to connect with.

Sunday Ministries


Sunday Service

All ages

Our Sunday service starts at 10am and finishes at 11.30am. We love worshiping God together and learning from his Word. We gather together to celebrate who God is and what he is doing in our lives and in our community.


Parents Room

We welcome kids in our service but if you want to, we have a parents room available where you can listen to the service and rostered parents on to look after your toddlers so you can sit in the service itself.


Kids Ministries

All children begin in the main service with their families. When they are released, parents take them to their ministry space and then collect them at the end of the service.

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First Look

First look is MBC’s under 5’s ministry run by our awesome team of volunteers. Through our age specific messages & fun activities your child will learn about who God is & how we can be more like him.



Year 1-6

UpStreet is our Sunday ministry for primary and intermediate school kids. Each week we discover God’s amazing love for us through Bible stories and small groups. We focus on how we can follow Jesus through being Kind, Wise and Brave.


Year 7-8

Transit is our Sunday ministry desinged specifically for intermediate school kids. Each week we discover God’s love for us through Bible stories and small groups. We focus on how we can follow Jesus through being Kind, Wise and Brave.


Youth Ministries

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Next Level
Year 9’s

Next Level is our Sunday ministry designed specifically for year 9 It includes games, teaching and guided small group discussion. Our Next Level is led by adults committed to helping students develop a faith of their own. 


Next Level
Year 10-13

Our Year 10-13s play an integral part of our Sunday mornings through being present, serving and leading in various spaces. Teams include our baristas, production, music, preaching, Childrens ministry and more.